West County Calendar Category... Apple BlossomArt & GalleriesBeerBook signings/readingsBreweriesBusiness FairChamberCiderCommunity AwardsCommunity ParticipationDancingEducationalFestivals - Live MusicFood, Drinks & ConversationFruit PickingFundraisersGrand OpeningHappy HourHealth & WellnessHoliday EventsiWALK SebastopolKids & FamiliesLive MusicMeetingsMixer - Business NetworkingMusicNetworkingOther...Retail SalesRibbon CuttingSalesSportsTheatreVolunteer OpportunityWineWineWine TastingWorkshops March April May June July August September October November December January February Search Results Found: 50 Button group with nested dropdown Chamber October 2023 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques Sonoma County Art Trails Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques Jethro Tull The Seven Decades 2 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques 3 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques 4 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques Intro to Vibrancy in Songwriting Techniques CPR First Aid Certification Class (AHA) Sebastopol-Gravenstein Lions Club Meeting Wednesdays Learn Social Square Dancing 5 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving 6 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving First Fridays Open House @ Chimera Makerspace Ecstatic Dance Sebastopol Friday Nites 7 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving Sonoma County Art Trails Sebastopol Paw Spa 8 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving Sonoma County Art Trails 9 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving 10 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving Social Hour & Club Meeting 11 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving Sebastopol Area Community Awards Event Wednesdays Learn Social Square Dancing 12 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving 13 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Fall Introduction to Weaving HARVEST & HOPS PARTY 14 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Pet Portrait Collage Workshop CPR First Aid Certification Class (AHA) Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Crafts Fair Local Small Business Marketplace Grand Opening Osito Style Tacos Ribbon Cutting 15 The Sonoma 5 Collective presents OWLS Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Pet Portrait Collage Workshop 16 Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Pet Portrait Collage Workshop expandance Danceypants 17 Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Infant CPR and Safety Class for Parents 18 Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Sebastopol-Gravenstein Lions Club Meeting Wednesdays Learn Social Square Dancing Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson: The Search for Life in the Universe 19 Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Pet Portrait Collage Workshop CPR First Aid Certification Class (AHA) Chamber Mixer @ Honeymoon Frozen Yogurt and Arcana Threads 20 Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Pet Portrait Collage Workshop Ecstatic Dance Sebastopol Friday Nites 21 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques Sonoma County Gazette Community Hero Expo Home Body Refill 1st Year Celebration Home Body Refill Ribbon Cutting 18th Annual Fish Fry Masonic Center 22 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques 23 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques Trivia Night Presented by the Active 20-30 Club of Sebastopol 24 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques 25 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques Diversity in Business Awards Event Acorn Ribbon Cutting & Mixer Wednesdays Learn Social Square Dancing 26 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques Bliss Organics - Mixer 27 Oil and Cold Wax Techniques 28 Seasonal Natural Dye Workshop w/ Sue Ellen McCann CPR First Aid Certification Class (AHA) CPR Certification Class (AHA) CPR First Aid Certification Class (AHA) Halloween Costume Contest & Ghost Hunt 29 Seasonal Natural Dye Workshop w/ Sue Ellen McCann 30 Acting for Teens - SebArts CPR Certification Class (AHA) CPR First Aid Certification Class (AHA) 31 Acting for Teens - SebArts 1 2 3 4