Grandma's All Apple Breakfast and Gravenstein Apple Fritter Sale
Saturday and Sunday 9am-12pm
This continues our tradition of more than 30 years of selling our famous, “Grandma’s Apple Fritters”. Stop by for breakfast on your way to the nearby Gravenstein Apple Fair. You can also get a boat of Apple Fritters for dine-in or take-out. You won't find our famous original Grandma's Apple Fritters anywhere else! Free parking available behind the Masonic Center building plus on the street
Buy a boat of the famous Grandma's Apple Fritters for $10.00 or stay for an "all apple" breakfast for $15. Special children pricing.
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Sebastopol Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
265 So. Main St., Sebastopol, CA 95472 – (707) 823-3032 –