TLC Child And Family Services
Counseling Services
Monday-Friday 8AM–4:30PM
Sat/Sun Closed
Driving Directions:
1800 Gravenstein Hwy N. Sebastopol, CA. 95472
About Us
Adoptions, foster care, special education, outpatient mental health services, and transitional housing placement.
Residential Counselor
Category: Non-profit
TLC Child and Family Services, home to Journey Academy, is a leading agency which offers a continuum of evidence-based treatment and relationship-focused care to youth and families. Our agency offers five tiers of service; foster care and adoption, residential treatment, special education, comprehensive mental health, and transitional housing. Our team is dedicated to empowering children, young more
Social Worker
Category: Non-profit
Help Our Community’s Transition Age Youth Gain Independence and Launch into Adulthood
Transitioning to adulthood is hard for anyone, but can be especially challenging for our most vulnerable current and former foster youth. TLC provides comprehensive mobile case management including employment, health and wellness, education, finance management, accessing resources, and navigating the more